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Patch Notes for Cayo Perico Heist Update 1.52

[December 15, 2020] – New Content in Grand Theft Auto Online

GTA Online Fixes

Game Stability and Performance

Matchmaking & Networking


Awards and Daily Objectives





Story Mode

submitted by PapaXan to gtaonline [link] [comments]

Patch notes and changes [PSA]

Patch Notes for Cayo Perico Heist Update 1.52
[December 15, 2020] – New Content in Grand Theft Auto Online

GTA Online Fixes

Game Stability and Performance

Matchmaking & Networking


Awards and Daily Objectives





Story Mode

submitted by YtBipolarGamers to gtaglitches [link] [comments]

Respect Liara T'Soni (Mass Effect)

"I would prefer lengthier studies... and few explosions"

Liara T'Soni

Liara T'soni is an asari archaeologist, and one of Commander Shepard's closest allies. Ever since she was young she had a fascination with the protheans, the race that ruled the galaxy 50,000 years ago, and dedicated her life to studying them. While on a dig on a remote planet she was attacked by a machine race known as a geth she found herself trapped in a prothean forcefield trying to protect herself. She was finally rescued by Commander Shepard, from whom she learned her mother Matriarch Benezia has allied herself with the rogue spectre Saren Arterius. But more than that she learned that Shepard had encountered a Prothean beacon and learned the true fate of the protheans; they had been wiped out by a race of sentient starships known as the Reapers. Both for her own protection and to learn more about Shepard's experience with the beacon she joined his squad, and helped to bring down her mother as well as Saren who were attempting to bring the Reapers back.
After Shepard's death at the hands of the Collectors Liara fought against the Shadow Broker (the galaxy's most powerful information broker) to recover Shepard's body, and then spent the next two years trying to track him down to rescue a friend who was captured in the process. With the help of a newly revived Shepard she managed to find and kill the Broker, and then took control of his network to become the new Shadow Broker. With her new resources she discovered plans for an ancient device to possibly destroy the Reapers, and as the Reapers returned rejoined Shepard's crew in order to try and stop them once and for all.
Notes: A number of feats can be performed by any squadmate regardless of who they are. These feats will be marked with [Squadmate] and the gif is not guaranteed to have Liara in them. Similarly, gifs of Liara's in game abilities are performed by Shepard (since the abilities are functionally identical in game regardless of who's using them)
Hover over a feat to see the source
  • Mass Effect 1
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Mass Effect 3
  • Mass Effect Andromeda (though Liara just has a short vocal cameo)
  • Mass Effect Redemption
  • Mass Effect Homeworlds
  • Paragon Lost (though Liara herself doesn't get any feats from this)
Beyond this there are some novels that Liara does not appear in but still provide information about the setting
  • Mass Effect Revelations
  • Mass Effect Ascension
  • Mass Effect Retribution
  • Mass Effect Andromeda: Nexus Uprising
  • Mass Effect Andromeda: Initiation
  • Mass Effect Andromeda: Annihilation
Information on In-Universe Technology
Firearms: Mass Effect firearms work by using mass effect fields and electromagnetism to accelerate metal slugs to sufficient velocities and are designed to squash or shatter on impact. A single weapon can hold thousands of rounds, smaller than grains of sand. In general Mass Effect weaponry tear up stone and concrete, destroy a satelite uplink in a single shot, and at enough damage blow apart enemy heads
Body Armor: Body armor is made of fabric hardsuits with kinetic padding, with less flexible areas potentially reinforced with ceramic. These suits can be be sealed to protect against hostile enviornments. Resistance to gun fire depends on the amount of reinforcement over a given body part.
Kinetic Barriers: Kinetic barriers create mass effect fields that repel projectiles moving at sufficiently high velocity. Barriers can easily block single shots from pistols and submachine guns, and in the novels these can block at least limited shots from assault rifles and sniper rifles

Biotic Abilities

Biotics are the ability to create mass effect fields and manipulate dark energy to produce effects like telekinesis. However using biotic abilities requires time and concentration, and can be very draining. All asari are biotics, and Liara is no exception.
General Telekinesis/Gravity Manipulation
Warp: Uses mass effect fields to warp and wreak havoc on the foe
Stasis: Creates a mass effect field to immobilize the target
Singlularity: Projects a sphere of dark energy which produces a powerful gravitational effect that pulls nearby enemies and objects towards it,

Weapons and Equipment

Guns: Liara is trained in pistols and submachine guns, and in gameplay will wield one of each.
Body Armor


Note (in the Redemption comic at least) Liara seems to enhance her physicals with her biotic powers.


Asari Physiology
Combat Skill
Tech Skill/Resources

The Shadow Broker

After killing the previous broker, Liara assumed his position and gained access to the largest and most powerful information network in the galaxy.
Glyph: Glyph is the name of the Shadow Broker's personal data assistant

"The world of intrigue isn't that different from a dig site. Except that the dead bodies still smell."

submitted by doctorgecko to respectthreads [link] [comments]

Online is in the best place it’s been in a long time - Change my mind

Online is in the best place it’s been in a long time - Change my mind
Look, I know everyone likes to get their money the clean way and everything is crazy expensive but I’d argue GTA Online is maybe in the best spot I’ve seen it in a long time (post bikers GTA). So let’s do a run down.
I think a lot of people sit here and yearn for the good old days when everything was simple, before there were businesses and so much to upkeep. I agree that the upkeep can absolutely wear on you if you push the businesses too hard. And I also loved GTA Online prior to this, but bias aside, businesses gave it the legs it needed to keep going. Heists were great and all but after that was the Ill Gotten Gains to Cunning Stunts stretch where the game really worse itself thin. Businesses breathed life into a game that was without a doubt dying at that point, with burnout at an all time high and it trying to find it’s footing of where to go next. But it also gave griefers a new outlet, promoted them to be bigger dicks than they’d ever been before, and brought out the worst of them all: the hydra griefer. And there was no real counter at that point. You could try to get away long enough to get a jet of your own but your only real option was to either spend time counter killing them til they leave or change sessions and hope there weren’t any in the new one. (Solo session yeah yeah but that’s always a thing so it’s a moot point)
Times were simpler, but I wouldn’t say everything was super peachy at that point. Now let’s look at the other major updates that followed:
Gunrunning: This was maybe the most hyped update I’ve seen because A) You run guns and B) Everyone thought the death of Jet griefers was imminent. Except none of the vehicles were great hydra counters. A half track, APC, and the anti-aircraft trailer can take down your less intelligent jet griefers, but they’re not reliable enough to discourage it all together. The explosive sniper would eventually contribute to the death of jet griefing but not for a while as it was locked behind Research so it would take a bit for it to become a commonly held weapon. We also got the dreaded Oppressor with this update. The go to for your lazy griefers. It was a great tool for grinding though, and was only super problematic at this point as it lacked solid counters besides light poles. Overall though, would call Gunrunning a good addition to the game but the period that immediately followed it lackluster. It was exciting to have a new business and see all these new toys added to the game but with everything locked behind research it took a while for Gunrunning to really showcase all it had to offer. Lazy griefers also had a new ez mode toy to use and it took a bit for people to adjust.
Smugglers Run: Absolute garbage new business added and insane prices for the new planes. It also came out very shortly after Gunrunning. The combined price of these 2 DLCs is insane and with Gunrunning being the only viable new business the opportunity to actually enjoy what Smugglers Run had to offer wasn’t really available in the immediate period afterwards. Looking back, I like a lot of the planes added, but there were some that could’ve used some extra oomph. But that didn’t matter since you couldn’t afford them at that point. We did get easy access to Fort Zancudo though, which is the one prop I’d give to this DLC. But overall it didn’t really add anything but a money sink and for that I don’t think anyone can argue the game was in a great state at this point.
Doomsday Heist: Now this is the spot where someone could say that was the peak of GTA Online and I could see their point but throw down a hard disagree. The heists were great, and the replay ability was strong as well with the challenge of the final heist well balanced by the easiness of Bogdan. And Bogdan provided an amazing avenue of money making for those sick of grinding businesses and desiring to buy all of the shiny new toys added in Gunrunning and Smugglers Run. We also got the Deluxo (and the Stromberg but the Stromberg only started to get its time to shine recently as it was heavily slept on for a while). At this point enough people had their explosive snipers to the point where jet griefing was finally becoming a more uncommon occurrence, and the deluxo was a great counter balance/complement to the oppressor thanks to its lower speed/better missiles against the oppressors higher speed/worse missiles. There’s very little to complain about with this update except for... The Orbital Cannon. This thing took forever to get a half decent patch and you couldn’t do anything in a lobby without feeling nervous about the person with 5 X’s in their name and combat gear suddenly teleporting to their facility. Big no.
After Hours: I think this one speaks for itself. The Nightclub itself was cool but underwhelming with it’s popularity missions, the warehouse provided a fantastic new source of passive income, and the Oppressor mk2 became the new poster boy for everything bad about GTA Online (which at this point is fair while everyone was scrambling to figure out how to counter it) except at this point we already had futuristic shit like the Deluxo and it’s easily the best vehicle in the game for grinding. Overall a good update but not a great period for online with the infant oppressor mk2 and lingering orbital cannon issue.
Arena War: Hot garbage period for the game, I took one of my longer breaks from the game at this point. Remember that Lester Glitch where everyone spun around at the airport for days on end? And remember how everyone thought Rockstar was going to do a money wipe? They didn’t do a money wipe because they didn’t need to! This dlc was so outrageously expensive to the point where your money from that glitch was gone after buying the workshop and a handful of arena vehicles. The game modes can be fun but the payouts and matchmaking are garbage and in the blink of an eye the whole thing became an afterthought. Like with smugglers run the vehicles added are crazy fun but locked behind a big paywall so they couldn’t be fully enjoyed in the period of the game that immediately followed. Arena War is something I’m glad exists now as it added a load of fun vehicles that didn’t dramatically change the landscape of the game like weaponized vehicles of past updates did, but the period following was brutally rough for the game as the new activity was incredibly expensive and lackluster and all the issues from before were still around.
Diamond Casino: Not much to say about this one, casino was neat, added some fantastic money glitches, free car every week, cool new vehicles added that weren’t weaponized, and a sweet penthouse. “Oh but the penthouse is so expensive and I have to buy it to get VIP in the casino blah blah blah”. No, the fully upgraded penthouse is but that’s not something I have a problem with as it was all just fluff for people with the money to burn. The cost of the base penthouse is easily recouped by running through the Ms. Baker missions as host and they’re all easy as hell and the whole thing takes like an hour. You also get a free armored Paragon R for the trouble too. So that complaint about the penthouse is a moot point when you’re just too lazy to actually play through the missions the DLC added. Besides the casino there wasn’t a whole lot new to do otherwise though and there was still one particular lingering issue that had been around since Doomsday Heist that wasn’t patched yet. At least not until near the end of this DLC period, when the Orbital Cannon finally received the changes it needed. But that only meant that in the final ~1 month of this DLC period online was in a slightly better place, but we had still gone 2 major updates without a new form of income (at least that didn’t involve gaming the casino), and 3 major updates without an active avenue for making money.
Enter Casino Heist: In this DLC we got the arcade, the diamond casino heist, and some nice new non weaponized vehicles to add to our collections. The arcade is an improved source of passive income to the Nightclub (wall safe not the warehouse) as it will bring in $5k a day if you fill the floor with games (you don’t need to buy every game btw, you just buy Monkey’s Paradise for $90k and then in Arcade Management on the interaction menu you can put it in every slot on the floor). But the biggest draws by far are the MCT and the Casino Heist itself. The MCT is an improved version of what you have in your terrorbyte and makes managing businesses soooooo much easier. The Casino Heist itself is by far the best Heist in the game with the 3 different approaches and then sub options within those giving it excellent replay ability. You can also set it up in free roam which is fantastic. It has a great payout on it’s own vs the time it takes to set it up and for those looking for even quicker money it’s an improved Bogdan. In the period following we also got Open Wheel Races and new contact missions which is nothing too special but definitely welcome extra content to have some fun with. With such a large gap since the last time an ez mode griefing vehicle was added as well I think we’ve also reached the point where all of that is as balanced as it can be as everyone’s figured out which vehicles and weapons counter others.
And that brings me to my final point - online is as good as it’s been in a long time. The biggest gripe is mostly in regards to how much there is available to buy and how impossible the grind can feel. If you’re in this situation I would highly encourage you to explore finding people to play with (if you’re dead set on legitimate gains) or exploring less honest ways of making money like duping or running b2b Bogdan or casino heist. There’s so much to do in Online that gets lost behind what feels like the endless wall of grinding. I have everything I could ask for and then some for future updates. Running my businesses no longer feels like something I have to do, and it’s actually surprisingly enjoyable/rewarding when it’s not surrounded by stress. More than that, dicking around in different vehicles, having fun with friends and randoms, and helping them out feels so much more enjoyable because I don’t feel like I’m losing time I could be spending grinding. So get that money and live a little. There’s a lot to love about Online right now, and when you’re not tunnel visioned on grinding you’ll realize that there’s a lot of what made OG Online so great alive and well still. It will never be the same, but different doesn’t have to mean worse.
Hell at this point I almost wish they’d add some more crazy vehicles to mess around with instead of all standard ones.
submitted by myfunaccount24 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

Beginners guide: Properties ranked by necessity

Based on Beginners guide: Properties ranked by Necessity by CretaceousFossil. Related: GTA Online property location guide, if you are wondering what the difference is between locations. For moneymaking specifics see /gtaonline's pinned weekly Mega Guide thread.
  1. An Apartment, Stilthouse, or Penthouse: The #1 property every player should have by Level 30 is an apartment. While they may be less effective property for earning money, they definitely have advantages. You can spawn there safely, not having to worry about spawn killing by griefers. If another player is relentlessly chasing you down, even if you own no other properties, you can evade them. And finally, its nice to feel like an actual resident of Los Santos. Also its the only way to do the regular heists as a host.
  2. CEO Office or Biker Clubhouse: It mainly comes down to what you like. You might like the clean, authoritative, high-rise feel of being a CEO, or you might like the gritty, street-level, rock'n'roll style of an MC president. However one or the other, is the second property you should invest in or at least prioritize. With the CEO Office, you won't need to make sure you have your 50,000 dollars every-time you join the game. Although the missions that come with the CEO are monotonous and underwhelming, so many of the other properties on this list require you to be a CEO or MC President to operate. As an MC president you have the ability to spawn in any bike you own, next to you with, no cooldown (except for the Oppressor Mk2); and as a CEO you have the ability to spawn in Organization vehicles (see #Organization_Vehicles on how to unlock them). You can also get free snacks at the Assistant in the Office.
  3. Bunker: If you are beginner or someone who doesn't own a ton of Mk2 weapons or weaponized vehicles, the money is definitely the best part. The resupply missions are fairly easy (but once you have both production upgrades, you should buy supplies), and most of the sell missions without rival players are a breeze. Whenever you are online and you have supplies in the Bunker, it is passively producing. This allows you to do other activities in the meantime. However besides the money, if you wish to own a lot of Mk2 Weapons and maybe a weaponized vehicle, the research does pay off. Also this property allows you to buy an MOC. While the interior may seem like a bunch of gray, drab, ugly, concrete tunnels at first, once you get the golf carts, sleeping quarters, shooting range, upgrades, and the yellow paint job its gives a nice industrial/laboratory feel.
  4. Vehicle Warehouse: Import/Export is one of the best solo money-making methods. There is no upfront cost as with Special Cargo but if done correctly it can still net a good $200k per hour (or more, combined with VIP jobs). The Specialized Vehicles stored in the basement are rather lackluster though, Rockstar introduced much more powerful weaponized vehicles since then, most of them even cheaper and customizable.
  5. (Special Cargo) Warehouse or MC Business: The warehouse's drop-shipping style buy & sell formula makes it the most straightforward and it's a good way to introduce beginners to selling. However, there are definitely some flaws with this option. While the selling yields good profits, if you lose your cargo, your losing time and money. Open-Road Businesses are similar in idea to gunrunning. Steal or buy supplies and wait for your stock to build up. However they don't pay that well, and are obsolete compared to other businesses.
  6. Nightclub: The nightclub definitely has some very good benefits. You get a free Speedo Custom right off the bat, which at first is a "so-so" vehicle, but once you have all the vehicle upgrades, the armor plating, the minigun, and mines, it's a very fun and effective vehicle. While the cargo accrues quite slowly, if you are patient and play the business battle missions, you will have some considerable stock. Plus you can purchase the Terrorbyte, more info on it below. For the Nightclub to be most effective you should own (and run, that is not have it shut down) other businesses, as the stock is generated from linked businesses. Keeping the Nightclub at higher levels of popularity will put more money every 24 ingame hours (48 minutes IRL) into your safe. Every ingame day decreases the popularity by 5% (1/4 of a popularity bar), changing DJs for $10k (once you unlocked them for $100k - this maxes out popularity) will up your popularity by 10% (half of a bar). Or you may wait a couple ingame days and do a popularity mission which increases popularity by 1.5 bar. You can see how much cash gets added into your safe (capacity: $70k) every day:
  7. Terrorbyte (requires Nightclub): The Terrorbyte is a really great vehicle. Besides having a literal base inside in a truck, which is sweet, it is incredibly functional. The missions have awesome pay considering the level of effort/hassle needed to complete them, plus you can remotely launch resupply missions for any of your businesses. If you decide to buy this truck, make sure you have over $1.2m extra, to get the drone station and missiles (though the latter is not very useful), and you if don't own a Mk2 weapon workshop, getting one with the terrorbyte is a good idea.
  8. Arcade: The Arcade provides another passive income (max $5k per day) to the player while also giving the player the ability to host Casino Heists which pay really well if the player knows what they are doing. The passive income depends on how many games are placed, you may even just place the same games in every slot to achieve the highest possible payout, you don't have to buy all the machines. Owning a Terrorbyte makes you able to hire Paige as hacker, which is necessary for good Casino Heist runs to max out the time you can spend grabbing loot (or you may alternatively unlock Avi Schwartzman as a hacker).
  9. Facility: The facility although one of the more expensive properties, can get you some serious cash and XP from the Doomsday Heists, plus the front desk has free snack. This is my favorite property just because of how expansive it is. With the wall designs, color scheme, fully upgraded quarters, and statues you get after the heists, its very aesthetically pleasing and is a good way to impress.
  10. Garage (standalone property): If you are too broke to afford an apartment because you don't that much time to play or apartments are not your thing, put this at number 1 over the apartment as the first property to buy. However although being able to to store cars, garages are obsolete considering you can add garages and garage levels to nightclub, and apartments and the facilities include garages. Also you can't set your spawn location to standalone garages.
  11. Mobile Operations Center (MOC) or Avenger): While both have a better bang for your buck than the warehouse, they aren't that crucial for beginning players. The MOC at first is very barebones and while there are missions that can be launched from it, they require multiple players and can't be launched in freemode. The Avenger can be a useful vehicle for freemode jobs (such as Hangar missions or Facility/Arcade preps) but it's definitely not necessary.
  12. Hangar: If you love flying in GTA Online and want to spend all your money on planes, this is the property for you. However, if you want to make money, it's not a very good option. Crates are only worth $10k each and the missions require some flying skills, and only give 1 crate per player in the MC or Organization, with a maximum of 4. The sale missions also require flying skills, some even more than the sourcing missions and some of them can't really be done solo.
  13. Arena Workshop: With the paint job, decals, and office, the Arena Workshop can be made to look very cool, and with the weapons workshop you can add weapons to vehicles and upgrade guns. You also have access to the Arena War career, which allows you to unlock discount prices for outfits and vehicle mods (albeit randomly, so it's not a very effective model), and the base prices for the upgardes are very steep. This property is over a million, so unless you are planning to buy a ton of discounted items or you just love Arena War, wait out on this one or skip it altogether.
  14. Casino Master Penthouse: Basically a very expensive apartment, with very expensive modular upgrades and decorations. You can also add a 10-car garage for $900k. It also lets you do the Casino Missions (from Agatha Baker) as a host, which upon completion awards the player with the Paragon R (Armored)) car, which is exclusively available from here.
  15. CEO Office Garage: Unless you are super rich and own more cars than you know what to do with, make this property dead last. It costs millions to add more levels. You can add a Custom Auto Shop (for even more money) with it to custom your cars straight from the garage though.
  16. Yacht: Big floating apartment on water, gives you the option to play one extra type of VIP job. Not a priority.
submitted by howellq to u/howellq [link] [comments]

Respect Urdnot Wrex (Mass Effect)

"Anyone who fights us is either stupid or on Saren's payroll. Killing the latter is business. Killing the former is a favor to the universe."

Urdnot Wrex

The krogan were a race from the irradiated hellhole of Tuchanka that were uplifted by the council species in order to face another race known as the rachni. They were successful, but without the hardships of their homeworld their population exploded, and the krogan began to try to take whatever they could in the galaxy. These Krogan Rebellions ended when the entire species was exposed to the Genophage, a biological agent that rendered only one in 1000 pregnancies viable, and made nearly the entire species sterile.
Urdnot Wrex is a krogan mercenary, and had long since lost any hope that his species could ever be saved. Instead he would travel from world to world, working as a bounty hunter, mercenary, or whatever else paid. His life changed forever when, on an assignment to kill a bar owner named Fisk, he met and joined forces with Commander Shepard. Sticking with the Commander after they became the first human spectre (a group of elite agents above galactic law), Wrex proved instrumental in helping thwart the schemes of rogue spectre Saren to take over the Citadel. After learning that Saren had found a way to cure the Genophage, and then destroying that cure to keep the krogan from being Saren's slaves, Wrex gained renewed faith in the fact that his people could be saved. Returning to Tuchanka, he took control of clan Urdnot and began to reform the krogan ways of doing things. His actions would eventually lead to him becoming the leader of the krogan race and bringing about a cure to the genophage, and would go on to prove invaluable in the war against the Reapers, as well as leading the Krogan to a brighter future beyond.
Note: A number of feats can be performed by any squadmate regardless of who they are. These feats will be marked with [Squadmate] and the gif is not guaranteed to have Wrex in them. Similarly, gifs of Wrex's in game abilities are performed by Shepard (since the abilities are functionally identical in game regardless of who's using them)
Hover over a feat to see the source
  • Mass Effect 1
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Mass Effect 3
  • Mass Effect Foundation
In addition these are canon sources that Wrex does not appear in himself, that I went through for species/technology feats
  • Mass Effect Revelations
  • Mass Effect Ascension
  • Mass Effect Retribution
  • Mass Effect Andromeda: Nexus Uprising
  • Mass Effect Andromeda: Initiation
  • Paragon Lost
Information on In-Universe Tech
Firearms: Mass Effect firearms work by using mass effect fields and electromagnetism to accelerate metal slugs to sufficient velocities and are designed to squash or shatter on impact. A single weapon can hold thousands of rounds, smaller than grains of sand. In general Mass Effect weaponry tear up stone and concrete, and destroy a satelite uplink in a single shot
Body Armor: Body armor is made of fabric hardsuits with kinetic padding, with less flexible areas potentially reinforced with ceramic. These suits can be be sealed to protect against hostile enviornments. They can also apply medi-gel if an injury is detected Resistance to gun fire depends on the amount of reinforcement over a given body part.
Kinetic Barriers: Kinetic barries create mass effect fields that repel projectiles moving at sufficiently high velocity. Barriers can easily block single shots from pistols and submachine guns, and in the novels can block at least limited shots from assault rifles and sniper rifles
In Mass Effect 1 Wrex has training in assault rifles and shotguns, though shotguns seem to be the weapon he prefers.
Assault Rifles
Weapon Modifications
Ammo Modifications
Weapon Abilities
Biotics are the ability to create mass effect fields and manipulate dark energy to produce effects like telekinesis. However using biotic abilities requires time and concentration, and can be very draining.
Defensive Tech
Body ArmoKinetic Barriers:
Defensive Abilities
Krogan Physiology
Off Screen Feats
Due to the nature of the Mass Effect series there are a number of ways Wrex can be killed throughout the series.


submitted by doctorgecko to respectthreads [link] [comments]

The International 8 Pubstomps Thread

View this thread for the most up to date pubstomp list! This thread is updated everyday! Organizers, you can create an account and publish your event on if you plan to sell tickets, $0 fees promo for organizers
I tried to look for a pubstomp thread but couldn't find one so here it is! Usually Reservoir_cat creates this one but I haven't been able to get in touch with him/her. Here's the old TI7 and TI6 pubstomp threads.
There are a couple of threads made to ask for surveys/feedback/how-tos about pubstomps, feel free to PM me because I've organized several pubstomps in the past and partnered with sponsors such as RedBull, Logitech, GameVox, AMD, etc. as well and can offer a few tips and tricks!
Comment below with the country, city and description for your pubstomp, it helps a lot to include a link for additional details.
Country City Description
Australia Brisbane Event Link - Tickets $20 before 18/08, $25 after. Food and Drinks provided, giveaways and 1v1 tournament as well. luberk
Australia Melbourne Event Link - One amazing guy has rented a cinema in Melbourne, Australia if you feel like joining us at 3am! priorax
Australia Sydney Event Link - The same amazing guy that rented out a cinema in Melbourne, Australia has also rented out a cinema in Sydney, Australia if you feel like joining us at 3am.
Austria Vienna Event Link - HurghtRS
Belarus Minsk Event Link Official Secret Shop, bars , cosplay & sponspors giveaway. Velcom Cinema & Galileo Silver Screen RestorKa
Brazil Belo Horizonte Event Link - We will broadcast every game, including group stages, at WASD eSports Bar in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. For the finals we are planning a big event with giveaways and x1 with pros and semi-pros. The tickets are R$ 10,00 and you can check it out here. Urso_WASD
Brazil Porto Alegre Event Link - Venha assistir a final do The International 2018 ao vivo, em um telão, na Lends Club! Teremos comida, chopp e premios! Come watch The International 2018 finals on a big screen, at Lends Club! We'll have food, draft beer and prizes for atendees! esportsPOA
Canada London Event Link - We will once again host @ The Squire Pub & Grill in London, ON, CAD. RGBKnights
Canada Ottawa Event Link - At Click eSports Sat, 25 August 2018 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT. Ticket types to only watch or to also use gaming PCs at same time (note that I am not the organizer) Cote-de-Bone
Canada Toronto - Join us again this year at the Cineplex Yonge and Dundas! We’ve always sold out every year for the pubstomp and the crowd is always awesome! Need more information? Information and tickets are on our event page and you can join the Canada Dota 2 group. Some ticket packages are limited in quantities, so if you can't purchase a specific ticket, it means that it has been sold out. chibista
Denmark Copenhagen Event Link - Cinema viewing party for the Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final of TI8 on 25. august 2018. 17:45-04:00 CET (or whenever it ends) with competitions, giveaways, free Coca-Cola at entrance, hosts, entertainment and a great atmosphere. Panel, interviews, and ceremony will all be broadcasted as well. OlLi_-
Estonia Tartu - Hey! I'm organising a pubstomp in Tartu, Estonia. No ticket and proper pub food at the pub Illegaard. More info can be found at our FB event. dekamano
Finland Helsinki - in co-operation with Aalto Gamers are organizing a viewing party in the Helsinki metropolitan area (Espoo, Otaniemi to be precise). You can get there very easily by metro from Helsinki. Come enjoy the final day of TI8 with us! There's gonna be pizza & soft drinks available for free + there's a grocery store and a grill close by to the venue phzgames
Finland Jyväskylä Event Link - There's one here organized by JeSSe Ry: Jyväskylä, Finland. Ilokivi onstage. Facebook link for the event: This is 18+ event. Hallunder
Germany Karlsruhe Event Link - Since we have successfully hosted Germany’s biggest Dota 2 public viewing for a couple of years now, we want to try meet the expectations this year once again. We will be broadcasting the grand finals on August 25th on the AKK tribune starting at 7pm. There, we want to collectively experience the biggest spectacle in this Dota 2 year with all the fans from near and far. Not only Dota 2 players but also DotA veterans, Dota 2 newbies and everyone who wants to get to know the phenomenon Dota are welcome to join us. spcemarine
Germany Regensburg Event Link - The 4th year in a row we are organizing the Dota TI finals public viewing in the old town of Regensburg. The event will take place at Picasso Regensburg. Starting time is 18:00 at the 25th of august. Like the last years the entrance is free, we have a pubquiz and MEGA Dota related drink specials. This year we also organized a Fotobox (thanks to the Gamerverein Regensburg) were you can take fotos with your favourite Dota heroes or even become one yourself! For further details you can look up the event page or contact us via facebook. Kryptondifluorid
Hong Kong Hong Kong Event Link - Location is still to be determined. Dota2 HK is hosting one on Grand Finals Day. Aug 25, 10pm HK Time. cybuster2
India Delhi NCR Event Link - Dota 2 Delhi pubstomp is back sunnydiv
Ireland Dublin Event Link - It's in the same pub as previous years. Strictly 18+ unfortunately. Hopefully can get added to the list. KC252
Netherlands Amsterdam Event Link - Confirmed to broadcast as many of the games as possible, even after official closing times. No Facebook event yet. Razorya
Netherlands Rotterdam Event Link - Pretty sure there is one in Rotterdam in the Netherlands. I'm not sure it's a "pubstomp" but they're supposed to be hosting something. justanothrunistudent
Russia Saint-Petersburg - Organizing pubstomp 6th time in awesome theatre with lounge zone, secret shop, 1x1 tournament and other stuff. Come to us on 25th of august finargot
Singapore Singapore Event Link - Singapore's one's at SAFRA Yishun, main atrium. Minimum spending of S$5 as per the post, for snacks pass. Cannot go because i booked a hotel somewhere else. nekosake2
Singapore Singapore Event Link - 2nd one is at Singtel Comcentre, with PMS nekosake2
South Africa Cape Town Event Link I think there's something happening in Cape Town (South Africa), I'm definitely gonna attend it :D meeposki
South Africa Johannesburg Event Link - Sparky_Naartjie
Sweden Stockholm - I'm not entirely sure, but I believe it's an 18+ event. burger_stand
Thailand Bangkok Event Link - Not sure if this counted as pubstomp but we are having one in Bangkok, Thailand. Sponsored by Lenovo Thailand. It will be hosted at Siam Pavalai Theatre on the 6th floor of Siam Paragon shopping mall. Aug 25-26 10pm-10 am local time. Rawinza555
Thailand Bangkok Event Link - Another BIGGEST PUBSTOMP in BKK THAILAND is held by INVATE, Esport Specialist in Thailand (The best Live Broadcasting), who will bring the best experience to all Dota 2 fans!! discotechssss
Ukraine Odessa Event Link - there is pubstomp in Odessa, Ukraine if anyone even cares
United Kingdom London Event Link - This event is pending and not finalized JawnisBritish
United Kingdom London - We are having one at the Carlsberg Esports bar in central London with free entry, food and drinks available and more to be announced. BanKseSports
United Kingdom Manchester Event Link - Over 18s only (they are Casino venues) epicWinbar
United Kingdom Newcastle-upon-Tyne Event Link - Over 18s only (they are Casino venues) epicWinbar
United Kingdom Reading South Event Link - Over 18s only (they are Casino venues) epicWinbar
USA Acton - Considering doing deals on pizza, apps, and Beer if we can get anyone out there. 85" TV and 6 TV'ss total in the sports bar. Pictures on Facebook. At this point its just me and my one friend. renorhino88
USA Baltimore Event Link - Hey, representing the Baltimore one as well! This event is 21+, food specials. It's the fourth year we've participated! Seanbiscuit
USA Chicago Event Link - If you're 18+ in Chicago and want to watch Grand Finals surrounded by fellow fans, come out to a FanHome hosted International watch party at Hi-Point, the gaming lounge of Highline in River North on Saturday, August 25th. Tickets are sold above, each ticket provides you entrance to the bar, food, giveaways from FanHome's beverage partner, and enters you into a raffle. Jayhawk2b
USA Cincinnati Event Link - I’m proud to announce the official TI8 Pubstomp this year in Cincinnati! I’ve been working with the owners of 16-Bit Bar+Arcade. We have a great venue setup, with our own reserved seating to accommodate however many people show up. We'll even have a signature drink just for the occasion! Please be sure to tell your friends and family (even those who haven’t watched or played DotA – they might leave a fan!).This event is for guests 21 and over, so please keep that in mind. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions and please RSVP if you plan on attending. Banana___Hammock
USA Houston Event Link - The International 8 Watch Party on August 25th In Houston, TX! Whether you love Dota, or have never seen a game this is going to be a great party for all gamers! We will have special guests, vendors, raffles, drink specials, food, hookah stands and much more! We will be raffling off a Hyper X gamer setup including a Mechanical Keyboard, Mouse, and Headset! LotharThrowaway
USA Medina Event Link - Welcome to the 6th year of me hosting Dota pubstomps in Medina Ohio. Last year was a great turnout but after many people saying that it was too small i looked for a new place again. Luckily the place i hosted in 2016 is back and that's where we are this year. As always the event is open to anyone of any age and no cover charge! I just strongly encourage anyone who attends to Eat and Drink there as they are giving us the place for the whole day for free. theaxel11
USA Oakland Cafe el Patio - In Oakland, California is going be showing everything from the group stages to the Main event finals! Address is 4030 International Blvd, Oakland CA. There is limited seating but there are three TVs. typicalhonduran
USA Sacramento Event Link - Come watch The International 8 at my house! Join us for our second annual Pubstomp! We host Friday and Saturday and setup a LAN party in the dining room to play between matches. Fairfield is located directly between San Francisco and Sacramento (North-East bay). Last year we had six viewers. Please RSVP so we can plan for food and message you the exact address. Amenities include: 75" 4k UltraHD stream with Pioneer 5.1 Surround Sound, Pizza, Beer, Nachos and More, Couches, Enthusiasm, Fast Internet, 420 Friendly josher777
USA Seattle Event Link - If you're over 21 and are in the Seattle area during TI, @FollowMe has organized a pubstomp in Capitol Hill for Saturday, August 25th. Sketches_Stuff_Maybe
USA Washington Event Link - Join us at Tenley Bar and Grill to watch the finals on their projection screen. This event is ALL AGES and cosplay is encouraged. There will be giveaways throughout the day of some Dota2 swag as well as 3 full event tickets for GEXCon ( coming up at the end of the month. dmr83457
Vietnam Hanoi Pending details from 23 Creative VN ptaqll5
Vietnam Hai Phong City Event Link - Time 21:00 , day 25 / 08 , location : 21 Trần Hưng Đạo Street - Vườn Xuân Coffee butchimau_hp_95
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City Event Link - Watch their full HD video for the event: ptaqll5
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City Event Link - Time: 21 h00 day 25/8-10 h00 day 26/8, location: Restaurant 68 lộc shots, number 213 to theme, Ward 15, District 10, TP. Ho Chi Minh. All details, please contact MEGA esports gaming house at 0909791809 ptaqll5
--- --- ----
PS: Also still hoping Valve would ship this merch out to us pubstomp organizers :D
PS: Discount on ticket fees on, pm me for details.
submitted by chibista to DotA2 [link] [comments]

Paragon R Armored Gone

So i finished all the missions in the casino and as a prize I got the armored version of the new Paragon R. I customized it at LS Customs and took it for a drive. I got out of the car to look at it from a better angle ( with the open hood etc.). the personal vehicle tracker was there. I was driving to the casino when some idiot destroyed it. I called Morse Mutual but they didn't pick up. I then called the mechanic and couldn't see the car. I even went back to my garage and it wasn't there.
Does someone know how to help or what happened? Is it a glitch?
Thanks in advance
submitted by deta1L77 to GrandTheftAutoV [link] [comments]

Respect James Vega (Mass Effect)

"Being a soldier's the only thing I've ever been really good at. And not because I try."

James Vega

James Vega has been a member of the Systems Alliance marines ever since he joined up as a teenager with the encouragement of his uncle. During a mission to the colony of Fehl Prime he ended up commanding his squad to take down a brutal gang of Blood Pack mercenaries, and afterwards he and his squad were assigned to protect the colony. Two years later the Collectors invaded the colony, kidnapping all of the colonists and killing most of Vega's squad in the process. In the end Vega was left with a terrible choice: save the colonists, or save intel on the Collectors that could be used to beat them once and for all. He ended choosing the intel, and became one of very few survivors of Fehl Prime. To make matters worse, soon after Commander Shepard destroyed the Collectors, rendering the intel James had retrieved near useless. Afterwards James fell into a self destructive depression, though never blamed Shepard for it, and even ended up in a bar fight against a gang of Batarians when they insulted Shepard in front of him. Soon after this he was recruited by Admiral Anderson to guard the brig of a ship holding one prisoner... Commander Shepard them-self, who had turned them-self in after destroying the Alpha Relay. Because of this assignment Vega found himself on Earth when the Reapers (a race of sentient starships that systematically wipe out all suitably intelligent life every 50,000 years) arrived, and ended up aboard the Normandy along with Commander Shepard. While at first Vega hated the thought of leaving Earth as it was being ravaged, but eventually Shepard convinced him that he was needed out in the galaxy to get help for Earth. Vega became a member of Shepard's squad, forming a sort of mentostudent relationship with the Commander while the Normandy tried to defeat the Reapers once and for all.
Notes: A number of feats can be performed by any squadmate regardless of who they are. These feats will be marked with [Squadmate] and the gif is not guaranteed to have James in them. Similarly, gifs of James's in game abilities are performed by Shepard (since the abilities are functionally identical in game regardless of who's using them)
  • Mass Effect 3
  • Paragon Lost
  • Mass Effect Conviction
  • Mass Effect Homeworlds
In addition there are sources that James himself has not appeared in, but are still useful for technology information
  • Mass Effect 1
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Mass Effect Revelations
  • Mass Effect Ascension
  • Mass Effect Retribution
  • Mass Effect Andromeda: Nexus Uprising
  • Mass Effect Andromeda: Annihlation
Information on In-Universe Technology
Firearms: Mass Effect firearms work by using mass effect fields and electromagnetism to accelerate metal slugs to sufficient velocities and are designed to squash or shatter on impact. A single weapon can hold thousands of rounds, smaller than grains of sand. In general Mass Effect weaponry tear up stone and concrete, and destroy a satelite uplink in a single shot
Body Armor: Body armor is made of fabric hardsuits with kinetic padding, with less flexible areas potentially reinforced with ceramic. These suits can be be sealed to protect against hostile enviornments. Resistance to gun fire depends on the amount of reinforcement over a given body part.
Kinetic Barriers: Kinetic barriers create mass effect fields that repel projectiles moving at sufficiently high velocity. Barriers can easily block single shots from pistols and submachine guns, and in the novels these can block at least limited shots from assault rifles and sniper rifles
James Vega specializes in Shotguns and Assault Rifles in game, though is shown using other weapons in cutscenes and Paragon Lost.
Assault Rifles
Firearm Skill
Weapon Powers and Modifications
Other Weapons
Heavy Weapons: These are more powerful guns, though in a typical situation James will not have any of them.
Other Tech
Body Armor
Kinetic Barriers
Omni-tool: An omni-tool is a handheld device composed of a combination computer microframe, sensor analysis pack, and miniature fabricator.
Combat Skill

"Thanks for the dance, loco"

submitted by doctorgecko to respectthreads [link] [comments]

Podium venicle question.

Hello everyone!
Since open wheel car is on the podium right now (which I waited so much from this update), I decided to give it a go. Before that I wasn't interested on getting them, because most of the venicles I didn't really like.
And I've manage on a third day (thus, 3rd try) win it. But here's where I am skeptical about the bug, what happened in the past. So, if you remember or not, let me explain.
So in the past, if you win a car, but it got destroyed, you will lose it, like you didn't had insurance on it. Same also happened with Paragon R (from casino missions). So you couldn't claim it through Mors Mutual insurance.
Is this still a thing? I am asking it in case if it is a thing, so I could save up on 10M$ to afford them.
submitted by TailsTheFox12 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

New Beginning II - Book Shawn Michaels if he were in his prime today - Part 1: Heartbreak Kid

In this booking, Shawn Michaels is an indie legend; compared to the likes of David Starr. He’s won countless championships in promotions from all over the world, but never really burst onto the big company scene. Shawn’s first major appearance was at Double or Nothing, competing in the Casino Battle Royal and making it to the final 3, before being eliminated by MJF. He would then continue to work AEW shows such as Summerfest and Fyter Fest, losing to Cody and defeating the man who took him out in the Battle Royal, MJF, but it was at Fight For The Fallen where he challenged Kenny Omega to a bout at All Out, and it was made official a week later, with it being billed as The Best vs The Future. Rookie vs Veteran. All Out.

AEW All Out
Kenny Omega vs Shawn Michaels
V-Trigger! Shawn falls to the floor, using the turnbuckle as leverage, not wanting to stay down but after being hit with second V-Trigger of the match, he couldn’t hold on, yet still managed to kick out at 2 when Kenny dragged him into the middle of the ring and pinned him! Omega, furious, picked up Michaels and went for a Cross-Legged Brainbuster, but Shawn escaped, going for a roll up but Kenny kicked out, before nailing Omega with an Inverted Atomic Drop! Shawn then ran towards the ropes and took Kenny down with a Flying Forearm Smash, and then synched in a devastating Figure Four Leglock! Omega was in serious pain and anguish, with Shawn not letting go, but Kenny made his way inch by inch towards the ropes to break up the hold, however he was immediately clotheslined to the outside! Shawn then climbed the top rope and went for an Elbow Drop, but Omega countered with another V-Trigger! Kenny sent Michaels back into the ring and nailed him with a Butterfly Piledriver! But that wasn’t enough as Shawn once again kicked out! Omega had had enough, and went for a One Winged Angel, but Shawn flipped forward, landing on his feet, before going for a Sweet Chin Music! But Omega dodges and catches Shawn, going for a Ripcord V-Trigger, but Michaels holds onto the knee and hits him with a Teardrop Suplex! Shawn then goes to the top rope, attempting to pull off one last maneuver in the form of a Moonsault on a standing Kenny, but Omega moved out of the way and Shawn landed on his feet, allowing for The Terminator to lift up Shawn and put him away with the One Winged Angel for the win. After a grueling 26 minute match, Kenny Omega stands tall over the rookie Michaels. Kenny helps Shawn back up and in a show of respect shakes his hand, before rolling out of the ring, leaving a defeated, yet improved Shawn Michaels in the ring.

Shawn isn’t seen on AEW Programming after his loss to Omega, and it isn’t just AEW shows, as he doesn’t appear on any of his regular indie promotions, instead goes on a short hiatus, with his Twitter and Instagram going completely blank. However, on September 18th, the wrestling world got the answer.

The NXT Champion Adam Cole stands in the ring alongside his Undisputed Era stablemates, the NXT Tag Team Champions Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reily and the new NXT North American Champion Roderick Strong. It’s the first ever live episode of NXT and Cole is cutting a promo on his success in this brand, from having the most impactful debut in all of history, to winning the first ever Wargames, to becoming the inaugural NXT North American Champion, to finally winning the NXT Title and completing the Triple Crown. But he wasn’t done, saying that there is not a single soul back there who can beat him. And that’s undispu-
An unfamiliar theme song plays, but when the graphic on the Titantron shows “The Heartbreak Kid”, the crowd go insane. “SHAWN MICHAELS IS NXT!” shouts Mauro Ranallo as HBK walks out from the back, dressed in black, red, and white attire. Cole is shocked, Kyle is shocked, Bobby is shocked, Strong is shocked, everyone is shocked at the debut of Shawn Michaels! Michaels makes his way down to the ring with a mic and goes to say something but he’s drowned out by “HBK!” chants that echo throughout the arena. The NXT Champ looks disgusted at the fact that Shawn thinks he can interrupt him, but Michaels doesn’t say anything, instead nails Cole with a Sweet Chin Music! Adam drops to the floor and Shawn is swarmed by the rest of The Era, with Michaels receiving kicks from all directions, however he manages to fend them off, chucking Fish over the top rope and onto the apron, with Kyle accidentally knocking his own partner when Shawn ducked a forearm. Strong went for a Strong Slam on HBK, but Michaels escaped and shoved Roderick into O’Reily, before going for a Sweet Chin Music on him. Roddy ducked, allowing for the finishing move to hit Kyle behind him, meaning Strong could take advantage of Shawn and hit him with an End of Heartache. He helped Adam back up and the champ hit the new star with a Last Shot to stand tall. William Regal came out next and announced that next week, Shawn Michaels will face off against Roderick Strong in his NXT debut, and if he wins, he will get a title shot at Adam Cole the following episode! The Undisputed Era evidently disliked the idea, but they knew they had no choice so left, all their gold still around their waists… for now.

On NXT, Roderick Strong vs Shawn Michaels is set for the main event. Throughout the night, Shawn is seen encountering members of the NXT roster such as Johnny Gargano, Keith Lee, and the returning Finn Balor. But at one point, Michaels gets ambushed by Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reily backstage, with the pair double Powerbombing him through a catering table. Regal is furious when he finds Shawn in the debris and bans the rest of UE from ringside. Michaels is taken to medical to see if he can compete but before they can get an answer, Shawn storms out of the room, reminding them he has a match to prepare for. Finally, we get to the main event of the night, and as Roderick is making his entrance he’s attacked by Michaels! HBK and Strong brawl their way down to the ring where the bell rings, and the match is officially under way. They start off fast-paced, with Shawn really impressing the NXT audience, and after only 5 minutes in Shawn goes for a Sweet Chin Music but Roderick catches the leg and hits him with an End of Heartache, only for Michaels to kick out! This infuriates Strong, and he becomes more aggressive, but Shawn still manages to stay on top, and after another 12 minutes, nails him with a Sweet Chin Music to get the 1, 2, 3! Two of the best up and comers of their time put on a great main event for the NXT Universe, but it isn’t all a happy ending, because as soon as the ref slammed his hand down on the mat for the third time, Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reily, and Bobby Fish all made their way down to the ring to attack the victor. But the assault is ceased, as Shawn is saved by Johnny Gargano! The Heart of NXT sprints down to take out The Era, with Shawn and Johnny hitting simultaneous Superkicks on Fish and O’Reily, while Adam and Roderick lay on the outside, stunned. It was official: Shawn Michaels vs Adam Cole for the NXT Championship would be happening next week.

This NXT Title bout did not disappoint, with both wrestling legends giving it their all and proving why they are in the main event slot. Despite Shawn only being exposed to the NXT crowd for 2 weeks, he had quickly ascended to the top, with his merchandise sales rising fast and Shawn becoming overly popular with the audience. Cole was the perfect opponent, a technical wizard but also heelishly cunning and able to pinpoint his enemy’s weaknesses. He targeted the neck of Shawn throughout the 17 minute match, setting him up for an inevitable Last Shot, but Michaels fought back with fire in his eyes, pulling off a Moonsault at one point to the outside, only to be hit with a Panama Sunrise after Cole dodged. The Undisputed Era ran down to distract Shawn, but they were taken out by Gargano who sent the Tag Champions running for the hills after a vicious Superkick to Strong! However, this was the perfect diversion, as Cole hit Michaels with a Last Shot to the injured neck, only for Shawn to get his foot on the ropes! Johnny stayed at ringside, cheering on Shawn after the attack, and the crowd popped huge when Adam went for another Last Shot, but Michaels ducked and nailed the champion with a Sweet Chin Music from behind! HBK struggled to crawl into the cover, but the match was stopped completely when Johnny slid into the ring and beat down Shawn! “What the hell is going?” Mauro exclaimed as he watched Gargano rain down fists on Michaels, giving him the DQ win! Johnny took HBK out with a Slingshot DDT and stood over his exhausted body as Cole celebrated with his title on the ramp alongside The Undisputed Era.

The next week, Johnny would explain his actions, saying that he was insulted at how Shawn thinks he can waltz in here and suddenly become the new hero. Johnny Wrestling is the only true hero you need! Michaels was reportedly at home for that week due to the neck injury and DDT he suffered last episode, and Johnny reminded the NXT masses that he’ll always be here for them. He left, only after repeating that he’s the real hero. Johnny would then go onto dismantle Shane Thorne the subsequent episode in their scheduled bout, calling out Shawn for a fight at NXT Takeover: Wargames in a post-match promo. He was answered by none other than Michaels himself, who ran down to the ring and sparked a brawl, laying Gargano out with a surprise Sweet Chin Music, accepting the challenge on the stage. The two would feud going into the illustrious NXT show, which saw Gargano continuously remind the crowd that he’s the real hero, and Shawn proving every week why he’s the best, going up against Kushida in a fantastic bout one week. On the go-home show, a contract signing is scheduled, but before anything can happen, Gargano ambushes Shawn, and they fight all the way down to the ring where Johnny sends Shawn through the table after a wicked Superplex, standing tall to end the show.

While all of this was going on, NXT had also started invading Raw and Smackdown, demanding a spot in Survivor Series that year. Dream matches were made, including a 3 on 3 on 3 Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match between all the brands, and Champion vs Champion vs Champion Triple Threats that would only be seen once in a lifetime. However, Shawn Michaels was also brought into the brand supremacy mix, and he quickly came face to face with one of Raw’s top stars and a pro wrestling icon called AJ Styles. The two would appear on each other’s shows, starting brawls and going back and forth on the mic, leading to a dream match being made between the pair. This easily became one of the most highly anticipated matches on the card, and the WWE Universe could only wait and see.

NXT Takeover: Wargames III
Shawn Michaels vs Johnny Gargano
Michaels and Gargano put on a fantastic opener, with both men bringing their all. It was Shawn’s Takeover debut, and he walked away 1-0 when he put away Johnny in a great conclusion, which saw Shawn pull off a beautiful Elbow Drop off of the top rope onto the apron, followed up by a Sweet Chin Music to get the win. Shawn managed to kick out of two Slingshot DDT’s, but Johnny also was able to stay in the match after a picture perfect Moonsault from HBK. Michaels cut a promo after the match, telling the Illinois crowd that he has his eyes set on the NXT Championship. He left quickly, drained after the amazing showdown he had just had with one of NXT’s finest, Johnny Gargano.

Survivor Series
Shawn Michaels vs AJ Styles
After going all out on Johnny Gargano the previous night, Michaels came back refreshed and better than ever, pushing Styles to the limit, and putting on a fantastic match with The Phenomenal One. Despite the bout only going 20 minutes, those 20 minutes were full of innovative spots and great storytelling, with AJ reminding Shawn throughout the match that he can’t beat him and that he’ll never be main event material, yet Shawn proved him wrong, getting near fall after near fall and showing his athletic ability by hitting Moonsaults and Elbow Drops all around. However, Michaels set up for a Sweet Chin Music only for it to be caught by Styles, who grabbed the other leg and put him down with a Styles Clash, before going for a Phenomenal Forearm. AJ set up for the devasting finisher, but he was hit with a Sweet Chin Music as he soared through the air! An amazing counter gave Michaels the win, cementing that he is not to be underestimated. Michaels helped AJ up and they quickly shook hands before Styles left the ring, leaving Shawn to celebrate.

It is announced that in two weeks, an 8-Man Tournament will occur, with Tommaso Ciampa, Keith Lee, Damian Priest, Matt Riddle, Finn Balor, Velveteen Dream, Pete Dunne, and Shawn Michaels all competing for an NXT Title shot at the next Takeover, Takeover: Portland. On the show after Wargames, Lee, Tommaso, Damian, and Michaels all had a promo war, with Shawn stating he wants revenge on Cole and The Era, Ciampa saying how he needs Goldie back, Keith wanting to elevate himself to the main event, and Damian reminding them all that he just wants to cause destruction, and the NXT Title will help him with that, which inevitably leads to an all out fight, which sees Keith stand tall. The next week, the first round matches start, with Shawn going up against Velveteen Dream in an excellent battle. They both had similar fighting styles and were both at the same level wrestling-wise, but Shawn managed to go through to the semi’s when he put away Dream with the Sweet Chin Music, a move no man has ever kicked out of. The two shook hands afterwards, and Shawn walked up the ramp unknowing of who he would have to face next. The other match results were: Keith Lee defeated Damian Priest, Finn Balor defeated Matt Riddle, and Ciampa defeated Pete Dunne. It was revealed that Shawn would face Finn Balor next week, and their bout would be made the main event. As soon as the bell rang, Balor charged at Shawn, knowing what Michaels was capable of. Shawn tried to fight back but Finn was like no one else he had ever faced before. Balor’s fast kicks and weakening holds allowed The Prince to be in control for most of the match. However, Michaels didn’t give up, fighting back against Finn, and he nearly hit him with a Sweet Chin Music but it was countered into a Shotgun Dropkick. As the match progressed, Balor lost his control by the minute, until it became even, with HBK pulling out all the stops to take Finn down. He planted him down with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb, only for his opponent to roll through and nail Shawn square in the chest with another Shotgun Dropkick. Balor then ascended the turnbuckle, with Michaels in position for his devastating finisher. However, Shawn rolled out of the way as Finn went for it, and when Balor got back to his feet, he ran right into a Sweet Chin Music. 1, 2, 3! Shawn has defeated Finn Balor and will be going to the fina- Balor from behind! Finn didn’t take the loss easily, brutally beating down Shawn all over the ring, hitting him with a Slingblade on the outside. Balor drilled Michaels into the steel ramp with a 1916 to stand tall and to send a message. Earlier in the night, Ciampa beat Lee to advance into the finals, and to end the show a graphic appeared on the Titantron: Shawn vs Tommaso.

We’ve reached the finals of the tournament and once again we see HBK go up against a wrestling legend in a first ever encounter. Tommaso is desperate to win here so he can fight for Goldie, but Shawn won’t give up. Michaels fought back against Ciampa’s relentless attacks, and kicked out of an Air Raid Crash and Fairytale Ending consecutively just to stay in. They went for a solid 20 minutes, keeping the NXT fans on the edge of their seats the whole time, but it was the ending that really shocked them, as Finn Balor’s music hit and The Prince walked out on the ramp to stare down a stunned Shawn, only for Michaels to be blasted from behind and pinned following a knee to the skull and Fairytale Ending! Tommaso was the Number 1 Contender to the NXT Championship and Shawn had lost at the hands of Finn. As the bell rang signaling the end of the match, Balor wasted no time in attacking HBK once again, this time putting him through the announcer’s table with a 1916.

Shawn and Finn would start a rivalry, with a Street Fight being confirmed for NXT Takeover: Portland between the two. Finn was a ruthless heel, wanting to show that Michaels is just an overrated rookie with a couple of wins under his belt, but Michaels proved him wrong each week, holding an Open Challenge where he would go up against the greats of NXT, such as Pete Dunne, Damian Priest, and in a MOTY contender Keith Lee, when The Limitless One took Shawn to his limits in a great match. He defeated Dunne and Priest in earlier weeks, with Pete and Damian really giving Michaels a challenge, however, when they were hit with the Sweet Chin Music, it was all over for the Brusierweight and Archer of Infamy. Balor cut promos on HBK, reminding him of Finn’s accomplishments in WWE and how Shawn is a mere blip on the radar of Finn Balor, but when he beat him in thee semi-finals, he made himself a threat. And that’s not good news, because Finn doesn’t miss.

NXT Takeover: Portland
Shawn Michaels vs Finn Balor
Street Fight
As soon as the ref called for the start of this match, Finn and Shawn went at each other with kicks, headbutts, and grinding submissions. Nearly 3 minutes into the match was when the first weapon was brought out, as Finn retrieved a kendo stick to use against HBK. He wearied down Shawn early on but that wouldn’t stop Michaels, who had a burst of energy, taking down Finn and allowing him to get a chair. From there on it was utter chaos, with Shawn reversing a 1916 on the announcer’s table into a back body drop through the table behind them, and Finn landing a Coup De Grace onto Shawn while he had a stack of chairs on him! The finish came when Balor and Shawn were battling on the top rope in the corner of the ring. They traded fists but Shawn got the upper hand, and just like their match in the semi-finals, Michaels pulled off a Sunset Flip Powerbomb, this time getting all of it, with Balor crashing down spine-first onto a row of set up chairs! The audience were going crazy, but HBK wasn’t done yet, instead made it back to his feet, and ascended the turnbuckle again, before pulling off an amazing Moonsault onto The Prince! But Finn moved out of the way! Shawn clutched at his rib as he landed hard on the steel chairs and was hurt even more when he was hit with a Shotgun Dropkick to the outside! Michaels landed hard on the apron on his way out but Finn was relentless, going onto the second rope from the apron and nailing him with a Coup De Grace! The Prince wasn’t done, instead ripped open the padding covering the floor, exposing the hard concrete ground, before lifting up Shawn to get him in position for a 1916! The first few rows could feel the pain as Michaels’ head was driven into the concrete, but the ref making the three count after Balor had rolled a lifeless HBK into the ring seemed more painful than anything. Balor left with his hand raised, and the ref had to help Shawn back up. After a gruesome match with one of pro wrestling’s finest, Michaels was aching all over, and had to be helped out by medical staff to the back. Rumors circulated that he might be injured, however they were dismissed on the conference call by Triple H after the show, but Hunter sounded quite unsure at the time.

The next Wednesday, we saw Shawn Michaels walk out to start the show to a massive pop from the crowd. He got into the ring and told the NXT Universe that during his match with Finn Balor, he suffered a concussion, and he would like to apologize for not being able to put Balor away. But, he has unfinished business with a certain Era. Concussion or not, he will do whatever it takes to get his hands on Adam Cole. Inevitably, he was interrupted by the NXT Champion, with Strong, Fish, and O’Reily all closely behind him, their championships all still around their waists after successfully retaining all their titles at Takeover: Portland, and Adam reminded Shawn that the last time they faced off he was the one left standing, so why does he deserve another shot? Shawn informed Cole that he deserves a title shot because their last one ended in a DQ win for Michaels, so technically he has a win over Cole, and this time it will be fair; no interference. William Regal appeared on the stage and told both The Undisputed Era and Shawn Michaels that everyone has to prove themselves here, and yes Michaels does have a win over Cole, but that does not put him any higher than the other members of the roster with wins over the champ. If Shawn wants his shot at Tampa Bay, he’s going to have to compete in one of two Fatal 4-Way matches, going up against a range of superstars who have also claimed their match with the NXT Champ. Next week, it will be Matt Riddle vs Kushida vs Pete Dunne vs Dominic Dijakovic in one 4-Way, and in the other, Lio Rush vs Keith Lee vs Killian Dain vs Shawn Michaels. The two victors will face off in two weeks’ time, with the winner of that match challenging Adam Cole for the NXT Championship at NXT Takeover: Tampa Bay! Shawn and The Era seemed satisfied with that, however Cole wasn’t done, instead ordered Strong, O’Reily, and Fish to go beat down HBK! Roderick ran down to the ring and went for knee but it was reversed into a back body drop, only for Shawn to be charged at by Bobby Fish from behind. Kyle and Bobby kicked at Shawn on the ground, and then went for a High Low, but Michaels dodged the move and nailed Fish with a Sweet Chin Music! He ducked a lariat from O’Reily and gave him one too! Strong was on the apron and went to go for a Springboard Clothesline but was hit with a Sweet Chin Music mid-air! HBK was on fire, only to be taken out from behind by Adam Cole with a chair. Cole smashed the weapon repeatedly on Shawn’s back, and finished him off with a Last Shot, standing tall with his NXT Title before the ad break.

Shawn wouldn’t be the only victim that night, as Keith Lee, Matt Riddle, and Pete Dunne were all attacked by The Undisputed Era, with Cole leading the assault, wanting to make sure some of his possible challengers were incapacitated before next week. We got a video package to hype up the two 4-Way’s throughout the night and the NXT Universe couldn’t wait for next episode.

The opening bout of the following week was the first contender’s match, which saw Dijakovic, Kushida, Riddle, and Dunne have a hard-hitting Fatal 4-Way. Dunne hit Kushida with a Bitter End on the outside but was nailed with a Big Boot on the apron from Dominic, however Dijak ran right into a knee from Matt, followed up by a Floating Bro to give Riddle the win! The Original Bro celebrated after the match, only to be once again ambushed by The Undisputed Era, with Strong laying him out after an End of Heartache, sending a message to Matt as he lay exhausted in the ring.

In the main event, we got the second Fatal 4-Way, which was an absolute paragon of wrestling multi-man matches. Keith Lee was a mix of Rush and Dain, using his athletic skills and undeniable strength to his advantage. Lio obviously had a game plan going into the bout, staying out of the action for some parts, but when he was forced to fight, he easily dismantled his opponents with his quickness and agility. Killian utilized his massive body and power to beat down Shawn, Lee, and Rush, but showed he could also soar from the top rope when he took out everyone with a Diving Cannonball! But it was Shawn Michaels who stole the show, making sure he was the spotlight throughout the match as he pulled off amazing spot after amazing spot. This ultimately lead to his victory, with the finish occurring when he used all the strength he had left to hit Dain and Lee with a Double Powerbomb from the corner, however he was attacked by Lio Rush from behind. Rush saw his opportunity and climbed to the top rope to hit a Final Hour on Killian, but he was nailed with a Sweet Chin Music while in the air! Shawn disposed of him to the outside and hit Dain with one last Sweet Chin Music to get the win! Matt Riddle made his way down to the ring post-match to have a stare down with Shawn, and the two shook hands, ready to do battle next week.

The main event was set: Matt Riddle vs Shawn Michaels, with the winner going onto face Adam Cole at Takeover: Tampa Bay. Riddle had had his fair share of conflict with Cole, as he was the guy who eliminated him from the Royal Rumble and also cost him a North American Title shot against Roderick Strong, allowing Johnny Gargano to get the win, which Johnny then lost at Takeover: Portland. Both men’s incentive was high, and this first-time encounter started off hot, with both men wanting that match with Adam more than anything. Instantly, Matt charged at Shawn with a Flying Knee but it was caught and he was hit with a Snap German Suplex! They then traded fists, with Riddle getting the upper hand, and he ran at Shawn again only to be stopped dead in his tracks with a chop that would make WALTER shiver. For the next 15 minutes these two poured all their fire into this match, with the speed never stopping, and it made it hard for the audience to catch up. But eventually, Shawn was lying on the apron and Riddle was on the top rope, but Matt missed a Floating Bro and landed hard on his shoulder when Shawn rolled out of the way! Michaels then placed Matt on the apron and went to the top turnbuckle, before successfully pulling off a Moonsault to Riddle on the apron! One Sweet Chin Music later and Shawn Michaels is going to Tampa Bay! Adam Cole walked down to the ring alone afterwards and the two came face to face for the first time as official opponents. Adam got right in the face of Shawn, provoking Michaels to lay him out with a Sweet Chin Music, closing the show with The Heartbreak Kid holding up the NXT Title over Cole.

After the Riddle/Michaels match to determine Cole’s Number 1 Contender, Adam and Shawn would pick up where they left off back in September last year. Since then, the NXT Champion had lost inside of Wargames, but was able to redeem himself the next night by beating Pete Dunne at Survivor Series. He would then start a feud with Tommaso Ciampa, the man who beat HBK in the finals of that tournament, and he’d go on to beat him at Takeover: Portland. Michaels on the other hand, had faced off with Johnny Gargano at Takeover: Wargames, walking away the victor, before losing to Ciampa, only to be attacked by Finn Balor, who Shawn had defeated in the previous week. At Portland, Shawn lost to Finn in a Street Fight, but bounced back, pinning Matt Riddle to earn his shot at Adam Cole after a great Fatal 4-Way the week before. Now, they meet again, this time with the stakes higher than ever, as Shawn Michaels, the rookie who ascended to the main event in less than 4 months in NXT, going over with the crowd and quickly becoming one of the most popular wrestlers in the world, will take on Adam Cole, the pinnacle of NXT, who’s defeated any and every challenger that’s come at him. Throughout the build, The Undisputed Era tended to interfere, costing Shawn matches and beating him down whenever available, but one episode Michaels had backup in the form of Keith Lee, and the new team called The Broserweights, Pete Dunne and Matt Riddle, all people Shawn had beaten but people that he respected. On the second episode before Takeover: Tampa, we got Lee, Riddle, Dream, and Michaels versus The Undisputed Era, which saw Lee pin the North American Champion Roderick Strong to pick up the win for his team. It was then announced that next week, Shawn Michaels will take on Adam Cole in a Takeover preview, with the winner getting to choose the stipulation for their NXT Title match! On the go-home episode of NXT, we got Michaels vs Cole II, and once again they put on a showstopper of a match, but this time it was Shawn that walked away the winner, holding onto a Panama Sunrise and hitting him with a Samoan Driver! Then, after a Sweet Chin Music, Shawn was able to pin him for the 1, 2, 3 to get the win! However his post-match celebration was ended quickly as O’Reily, Fish, and Strong attacked him, but HBK was ready, taking them all out and laying them out with a Moonsault from the top rope to the outside! Shawn grabbed a mic as he made his way up the ramp, Cole staring a hole through him from the ring, and Shawn announced that at Takeover: Tampa Bay, Cole and him will be locked up inside a Steel Cage! It was made official on Twitter, and the wrestling world grabbed their popcorn to watch what was sure to be a great show.

NXT Takeover: Tampa Bay
Adam Cole (c) vs Shawn Michaels
NXT Championship
Steel Cage
Cole and Michaels did not hold back, tearing into each other with all the passion in their soul. They used the cage to their advantage, slamming each other back-first into the wire mesh whenever possible. The Undisputed Era tried to interfere, with Strong attempting to unlock the door to no avail, and Bobby and Kyle climbing up the side to drop in. Michaels was drained but managed to fight them off, knocking Fish’s skull off of the steel forcing him to drop down, and nailing O’Reily with a Sweet Chin Music off the top, and he watched as Kyle fell down to the ground through the announcer’s table, receiving a massive pop from the crowd! From there, Shawn could climb down and escape, winning the NXT Title in the process, or, he could choose what he decided to go with, which was put his career on the line by pulling off an Elbow Drop from the top of the cage onto Cole! The audience went insane, refusing to believe what they had just witnessed, but there was not a single soul in the crowd who didn’t count along with the ref as Shawn pinned Adam to become the new NXT Champion! It was an emotional moment, with The Heartbreak Kid bursting into tears as he was handed his new NXT Title. The cameras just picked up Michaels saying, “It’s only up from here” as he walked up the ramp, the NXT Universe chanting “HBK!” behind him just like they did in his NXT debut last year. He celebrated on the stage before returning to the back, his championship glinting in the light around his waist.
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